Monday, November 29, 2010


I had class solo today, many of the English teachers are still out.
I had a class with 1 Bach. which is the older kids (16 or 17). Apparently they had a test in history after my class, so most of them were studying. SOME of them were CHEATING by writing on their desks, or they had small sheets of paper with notes on them. I was FURIOUS. I hate liars, and especially cheaters.
Instead of playing a game in class, I gave a lecture on cheating (and again, how much I HATE it). I let them study for the period, which I thought was pretty nice. Some of them explained to me that cheating is normal in class (HA!), so I told them how dishonest it is, and how unfair it is to those who studied and didn't cheat. I was just appalled.
One boy had a HUGE paragraph of notes written, so I waited until the end of the period and licked my finger and erased them all. Probably a 'bitch' move, but I gave them a whole extra hour to STUDY. Honestly, it isn't that hard! He told me he always forgets things, well, shoot, I had that problem a few times on a test but I didn't cheat over it, I took the grade (unhappily), but that is life. He also told me that I have yoga with his mother and to not tell her (which made me laugh).

Oh the adventures of teaching...

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