Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I'm starting to feel official here.
I opened up a bank account today (with a LOT of work and help from Mike). It was a process, they said no, again. Then Mike helped and they let me open one. I only needed 5 sources of ID, and my Mother's cousin's brother in-laws name. Okay, so that was sarcasm, but it took a long time and they did say No at first. Mike knows how to work the system.
Then we went to the plaza for me to register. I am officially registered in the city of Manzanares. That let's me go do other things, like save money because I am under 25. Woo.
I get paid for the first month on Wednesday.
I have to pay rent by Friday.
Need to keep tabs on my spending. It is harder than you think when you go to the grocery store pretty much everyday. I love fresh bread, what can I say?
So far no one has signed up for classes with me this week, I'm sure Thursday/Friday I will have a full day, so tomorrow I will come in around 9:30 to see what's up.
Time change has me messed up. Last year in Barca, we didn't "spring forward" for another week after the US, but apparently we all "fall back" at the same time. So I woke up extra early on accident this morning. Now I have no idea what time it is in Texas and I don't want to text my parents at 5am instead of 6am. Who knows if my computer automatically changed or not. I am so thrown off!

 I'm going to work on postcards when I get home. I made enough rice yesterday to last a week, so I will probably have some rosemary garlic chicken and rice - and of course some fresh multigrain bread.
I am starting a new private lesson tonight, so I hope it goes well!



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