Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Snow

We had our first snow yesterday. It was just a light dusting. Mike and I had to take a train to Ciudad Real for some official business. So the view of all the fields in snow was so pretty. That being said, I have never been so cold in my life. I must invest in a down jacket and a face mask that can cover my nose and mouth. This is why I live in Texas, it only gets this cold at night when I am indoors and can cover up with a blanket and sit by the heater and not move.
We have a small holiday this week for Constitution Day and some Catholic Holiday, so we are off until Thursday! I think I am going to Rudiera again to sit by the fire and knit (I am learning and my scarf is coming along. It isn't perfect, but that is okay!)
Next week I will be doing Christmas lectures, I need to choose what I will talk about because there is just SO much! I love Christmas!
I remember Christmas as 60-70 degrees and sunny outside (except two years ago when we had piles of snow and ice)

I'm sitting outside in the cold, so I am going to go now.

Until Next Time


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