Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Odds and Ends

I haven't updated in a while, things sometimes move slow here in Manzanares, just ask Michael Feighner (he has such an uncanny way of describing it).

I've learned a few things from my students lately. I always think I know EXACTLY what they are going to say when I ask an opinion, but I am always surprised when their opinion is something different - something I hadn't thought of. For example, when I was talking to a class about when stores here open vs. when the ones in the USA open - I asked their opinion about the "ciesta" time they take and what they thought other Countries thought of it. In my head I had "lazy", and when a girl said "jealous", I was thrown off my guard! I had never thought of it that way!
Then, the other day, we were playing a game where they draw out an english word and have to describe it and the other students guess what it is. It is a mix of countries, colors, body parts, etc. The color Red came up and the girl started describing the internet. It is called "red" here, or network. I looked at her a bit puzzled and whispered that it was a color. Another group quickly knew what it was because of the internet clue. haha.

The other night Mike made a pizza. I jokingly asked if he was going to put anything weird on it (I was not too fond of the carrot/avocado mix he tried one time), and he joked back saying he was going to put an egg on it...Next night, we went to an Italian place. The man across from me ordered some sort of pizza...WITH A FRIED EGG ON IT. I about lost my drink from laughing so hard. Has anyone else SEEN anything like that? Another note about that place: we were at a bar with some friends and they said "let's go to Casa de Maria!" I assumed it was someone named Maria's house...when in fact that was the name of the restaurant we were going to. I kept asking who Maria was, and everyone looked at my strange and laughed...

I think my Spanish is improving a bit. I have been thinking in phrases and not just words. Mike suggested a cutoff date for English in the apartment, I'd have to concur. Speaking English is becoming a bad habit. It is nice though to have someone if I can't think of what exactly to say in Spanish help me out a bit. Bea and Mike are really patient with me when I am speaking Spanish, sometimes conjugations can be a bitch. I did have Mike go with me to the Bank this morning to help me figure out my credit card. I think with Money I don't want to mess around. I'd rather have someone who knows more help me with that.
Mike proposed a game night on Thursday nights, I'm really looking forward to something like that as it will help my Spanish pop culture. I think I learn best by going out with people and being surrounded by it all. The other night I was trying to say something to Virginia and needed some help...Mike was about to help me and Virginia made me do it on my own - WHICH I DID! I just sometimes need some encouragement.
I leave for Portugal on Thursday. Of course I have to stay in a hostel in Madrid the night before in order to make my flight on time. What a freaking hassle. I miss Barca and the 30 minute train ride it took to get to the airport...Here it is a 2 hour train ride and almost an hour metro ride to the airport. Better to be safe than sorry!

Until next time:



  1. Could you play Manzanas va Manzanas??? I have no idea if that's how it translates, but Apples to Apples would be awesome en Espanol!!!!

  2. LOL, Manzanares tranlates to apple orchard. We call it Manza for short. It would be awesome in Espanol...need to work on making that happen!
