Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To be blunt

After my awful day of class (Remembering it was an awful day, but an awful day  in Spain, which makes it somewhat better)

1. I ask that you not raise an jerk kid. If they don't respect you, how will they respect others?
That is all I am going to say about that right now. 

But more importantly:
After reading my Aunt Deb's blog in which she eloquently writes about her ALS adventures (can you put eloquent and ALS in the same sentence?) I just want to say - ALS sucks. I can't think of any eloquent words to say about ALS. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
With that being said, May is ALS awareness month.

The ALS homepage is HERE if you want to learn more about this debilitating disease. 



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