Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tick Tick

We have finally moved into the new flat. Over the weekend I took numerous trips - WALKING my stuff to the new piso. I took about 6 trips, with a few trips in the rain.
It is a cozy place, and I am loving it. It is an" Espacio sin ingles" - meaning no English. Which is a great idea - I wish we would have implemented something like that in the old place and stuck to it. It is a bit difficult and I sometimes get flustered but we have a dictionary and I should be picking up and adding words to my Spanish vocabulary.

I leave for Italy on Friday! There are 58 students, 3 professors, and me. That is a lot to keep up with! So I don't really know what to expect at this point. I will just go with the flow. I know what I need to buy :)
I hope my camera is up for the trip - it has been acting up so I may need to invest in a new one this summer when I come home.

Last night (and this morning) there was the most annoying tick or click sound in my room. I don't know where it is coming from - but it needs to stop. It is driving me nuts and interrupting my sleep. I feel like the Croc from Peter Pan with an alarm clock in his stomach with a tick-tock and ringing he can't stop. I need to figure it out after school - at least before the day is over if I want any peace and quiet and SLEEP. I slept with earplugs in last night to try and drown it out. So I guess aside from THAT I love my new place :)

Must be off - I have a lot of things to do before I leave on Friday!

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