Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paper memories

I have many private English lessons here in Spain, ages ranging from 2 to 17 (and sometimes adults). I like working with the older ones because they know more English and it is easier to come up with activities for them. The younger ones, I have learned a lot from and hopefully next year will do an even better job at lessons with them (songs and games). The 9 year old I have is in between - he HATES singing and songs so we don't do things like that but he has a wicked memory and learns vocabulary pretty fast.

The younger ones have filled my drawers with paintings and drawings:

I treasure these so much. I have some sort of understanding as to why my mom has kept all the things I made in preschool, although I am still confused as to why she still has a lock of my brother's hair from his first haircut :P
These mean so much. Irene has made me the most, and even made one with glitter! The main one in the picture is from her painting. She lights up when she gives me these - and she says Victoria with such enthusiasm. It reminds me of my Brother when he was little, and he couldn't say "Tori" so he would follow me around and say "Torti! Torti!", I wish he was still that cute.

You think it's funny but it's snot: (This part is gross)
Yesterday was a bit hard because Irene has a cold. She sneezed and snot went flying. It was sort of comical, but I gagged and ran to get some tissues and told her I couldn't help her because I would be sick, so I just handed her some tissues.Then the little boy was jumping up and down and sneezing at the same time, making snot hit the floor. OMG SICK. Her mom came in and laughed at my reaction and told me it was alright. To my future husband and father of my children - I can't do snot. That will have to be a prerequisite for sure.

My lesson after that is with a 6 and 7 year old, the picture of the girl on the left is from Silvia (the 6 year old). The 7 year old, Paula, has a great memory and seems like she likes to learn English, so she is pretty easy to work with (although she wants to play the color game where I say a color and they have to run and point to it ALL THE TIME!) Silvia, poor Silvia - I don't know what to do with her. We were practicing fruits and vegetables and she was doing fine. Then we read a book, and then we practiced fruits and veggies again and she forgot everything! Even simple things like tomate, naranja. So I asked her what happened and what was going on. She looked at me with her big brown eyes and couldn't tell me and almost cried! I felt so bad! I told her I wasn't mad, I just wanted to help her! She said she was dumb/silly. I said "No, no you aren't!". So I have no idea, I talked to her father about it and we don't know exactly what to do...so that will be a work in progress.

Carnival is this weekend and we have Monday and Tuesday off, so I am thinking about making a trip but who knows. Then the following week, I leave for Italy for 9 days. I find out the full itinerary this week! I know we are driving to Barcelona, then taking a huge ship to Italy! Need to keep saving up to buy things :)

Until Next Time


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