Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sadly, I am feeling a bit under the weather. So this weekend has been filled with drinking fluids, taking vitamins and not being able to taste my food. I would kill for some Campbell's chicken noodle soup. So it has been a movie watching weekend.

Today is San Antonio (or tomorrow is but we still have school). The big bonfire at the church is tonight so I am hoping to be well enough to go so I can witness this. I have learned so much about the catholic faith since I have been over here.

My trip home was indescribable. I had such a great time and laughed so much. I love spending time with my family! I'm glad I was home for our many Christmas traditions. We always get a real Christmas tree and every year it is always an experience in picking just the right one. I feel that the tree grows on the drive home because every time we get home we have to shorted it a little bit. As always Dad put on the lights on the tree and then we decorated it. I was a little sad that my Brother has seemed to outgrow the tradition and went out with friends. But we had Chocolate Claus and Christmas music so it was still very special. Most of our ornaments have special meaning - I love that.

We went and did out Christmas Trip to the Galleria in Dallas, and I got my traditional chocolate covered strawberry from Godiva. This year it meant even more since we don't have strawberries in Spain yet...not until April. Love that freshness stuff...Oh how I want some strawberries!
It was a great family day, I don't think I will ever grow too old for things like that.

I'll update the next installment soon. Time for some tea...


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