Friday, February 18, 2011

Sophie's Choice

I am a bit stuck.

My Best Friend's Wedding is this October and I am a bridesmaid. I am stoked that my best friend is getting married, the groom is a perfect match for her. I was previously cleared to start my contract here in Spain late in November so that I can attend her Oct 29th wedding.
Today they told me the Ministry of Education does have a problem with it because they pay for 8 months of an Auxiliar, and I would only be here 7. (I don't understand the problem, they would be saving one month of pay to me)
Anyways, they have a problem with it, so if I renew I have to start Oct 1st. ONLY option would be to pay for a plane ticket back on the 26th or 27th of October, and then come back. Which sucks considering flights aren't cheap and I would have JUST gotten here and used to jet lag. Not to mention if I go back then I will miss out on a lot of festivities and I would probably have to give up being a bridesmaid since I would need to have my dress fitted and everything. UGH.

I don't know what to do.
Do I miss out on my Best Friend's Wedding and the chance to be a bridesmaid to her?
Do I try and find another job?
Do I not go out at all ever over summer to save money to pay for another plane ticket home?
Do I give up the honor of being a Bridesmaid?

This would be a little simpler if I had a ton of money...

I have no idea on where to begin on the pros and cons of my decision. All I want to do it cry over it.

I promise a better update on my blog this weekend!

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