Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm back

If you noticed, I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging. I only told a few people the news that I was coming back to the States for Christmas, and I wanted to keep a surprise element for a few people. So I didn’t write about it. When I got home I spent a lot of time with family and friends and neglected to update you on my adventures.
I’ll update you slowly but surely on the highlights of my trip. Today I am just recovering from a long journey back from Texas. The Three Kings parade is today so I want to be good and rested for that. Tomorrow is Three Kings day, which is the bigger holiday (Santa isn’t the main focus here).
Karlyne, my roommate was chosen  to be one of the Kings yesterday so the children could drop off their letters of what they wanted as presents (the Kings bring presents). There are about 5 black people in Manzanares, and they wanted her to play the part, which I think is absolutely stellar. I don’t know if she is going to be in the parade, I passed out at 5pm yesterday so I haven’t talked to her about her experience.
Today I have to get a lot done, tomorrow is a holiday and we all know that means everything is closed. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning and I only have pasta and rice in the pantry, so I need to go shopping and get some food. Back to healthy eating – fresh fruits and veggies. I am excited to cook with some things I brought back with me – salsa, lemon pepper, and I did splurge and get some mac n cheese.

Now…just have to wait another hour for the stores to open.

Until Next Time


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