Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Aid

I woke up late this morning, I don't think I set the alarm correctly. Luckily Vivi was giving me a ride to school and her house is about a 3-5 minute walk.  I had to meet her at 8:25am (it was 8:05 when I woke up). I rushed to get ready, running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Why is it that silly things happen when you are in a hurry to slow you down? Is that Murphy's law? I don't remember. Anyways, I was grabbing something out of my make-up bag and I ended up finding a razor and slicing the tip of my thumb in two places. (1. Why was a razor in my make-up bag? 2. Why wasn't a cover on it?) So I asked Karlyn for a band-aid (she is Ms. First Aid in our piso), so I put it on still gushing blood since I was in a hurry. After my first class, it was apparent that that wasn't going to suffice me the whole day, so I asked the secretary for a band aid...this is what I got:

It looks so much worse than it really is! It was quite interesting, he put on surgical gloves and everything! So, I have to leave this sucker on for 3 days before I take it off.

Interesting way to start the day.



  1. Nice Halloween costume. Sending much love across the pond.

  2. Murphy's law:

    Whatever can go wrong will, at the worst time ever.
