Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pavos Reales

I've been super busy this last week. I've had lots of classes this week. I'm almost done giving my presentation about myself and am moving on to other lessons in class. Last week I had a class where I had the students interview each other about hobbies, what they don't like, and their favorite food -then they had to present the person to the class. It worked out pretty well and the teacher said I did a good job. Then at the end of the week I had class with the older more advanced students, so I had to pick a social issue that was a bit controversial. So I picked gay rights - which I thought would be totally controversial since I know it is a big topic in the U.S. However, it was not as controversial as I thought it would be - gays can get married here and  a lot of the younger generation doesn't care - you can marry whomever you want. I presented things about Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the US military, I talked about marriage benefits, I talked about privatized insurance vs. public. So I asked their opinions on it all - which is difficult to do when trying to say it in English for them. At the end I had them in groups of 3 or 4 to talk about their opinion on gay adoption. Many said it was okay, one group did point out that if a baby has two dads, it can't breastfeed. I laughed, I had NEVER heard anything like that before, but it was an interesting thought to say the least!
On Thursday, we had the Teacher luncheon. One of the teachers from last year came and made a HUGE thing of migas. I. LOVE. Migas. It is like stuffing kind of, and it has ham, chorizo, and grapes in it. It is delicious. As appetizers we had olives, ham, chips with mussels (didn't eat any of those), bread with tomato and tuna (didn't eat that either), and prawns - which I ate one that was already peeled. I can't stand the thought of tearing somethings head off and then eating it. I had one and they wanted me to try it with this white dip - which turned out to just be mayo. (Side note: my parents and I have a joke about me and mayo - I once thought that rice and mayo would be a good combination, I was mistaken. So we like to joke about that, so prawns and mayo was especially funny for me.) It was nice to mingle with all of the professors and work on my Spanish. Everyone has been so nice to me, and Vivi said everyone is impressed and thinks I am really kind. Good to have some feedback :)I've been suckered into more private lessons. My ability to say no to things is really a hindrance on my schedule. I have added 3 lessons on top of already having 7, so now I have 10. One is with a 3 year old. He reminds me of my brother when he was younger. Blond curly hair and one of the most adorable kids I've ever seen. We will probably play games and learn colors - he was very nice and isn't scared of me.  One more girl wants lessons but I don't know where to fit her in. I have at least one lesson a day, usually two a day. Friday seems to be the day when everyone wants lessons, I have 4 lessons back to back on Friday. I get so drained on Fridays! Usually a full day of class, then 4 hours of lessons, then going out with friends. For the most part I enjoy staying busy in small town.
On another note, the 2 year old I'm working with is starting to not be afraid of me, he even shared his bag of chips with me. He still tells his mother 'no' when she asks him to say hello to me, but it will be a work in progress (besides isn't every 2 year old's favorite word 'no'??)

Today was so nice outside! Karlyn and I went to the park with the pavos reales, or peacocks. It is a really awesome park that is just a 5 minute walk from the piso. This is a picture of this cute little boy that had a bag of chips and was throwing them to the peacocks. He was yelling "Toma! Toma!" (take take), then the birds kept getting closer to him, so he starting running, and then they starting running after him - it was so funny!

 Afterwards, Karlyn and I went to the grocery store to get some things for comida. She is going to show me how to make rice haha. Mike made chicken stir-fry and Karlyn made some yummy rice and it was a delicious meal! Something other than pasta! I'm learning new things every day!

I also wanted to mention that I received 2 letters in the mail - and it was one of the most exciting things! MJR and DaraJoy sent me letters, it was such a warm feeling to know that people in Texas still think of me! I'm working on Postcards back I promise.
I'm also working on trip planning!

Until Next Time,


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