Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is one of the worst things that can happen to someone abroad? I'll TELL YOU.

Let's start with the bad and move to the good so that I leave the blog on a high note here. Long story short, the ATM ate my debit card and won't give it back. WHY? I don't know, probably my credit union being over-protective, which is this case left me screwed. I paid for my hotel this morning, which was a pretty big purchase, and then this afternoon I tried to get money out of the ATM to pay for my piso (apartment), and it took my card. Banks here close early, and the help number on the machine lead to an answering machine, leaving me hopeless to get my card back. I thank Mike for keeping me pretty calm (Meaning, I didn't burst into tears like I normally do), I think I'm more upset than anything and it is just an inconvenience. He called my director Vivi (she knows EVERYONE or is related to anyone important), so she will help me tomorrow. Just to double check, Mike was able to still use his card, so oh yay, I at least didn't break the machine, and my card won't randomly pop out. Hopefully I get it fixed tomorrow, or it will be a long weekend, I may need to beg for bread outside the grocery store on Saturday if I don't have any money. We move in to our apartment today and I need sheets/groceries/etc for that, and well, I have limited funds since I don't have my card. I was able to borrow some sheets from Bea, the other roommate for now, and I have some fried rice left overs in the fridge, so at least I'll have dinner tonight?

Last night I went out with Mike and Virginia for Canas (smaller drinks) and tapas. It was a lot of fun and gave me a chance to practice my Spanish (listening an speaking). Her birthday is close to mine, so we should have a grand fiesta!
Ok, on to my first day! I created a mini-powerpoint about myself, just random things - about my family, what I like to do, my favorite food (tex-mex), football, things about Texas etc. I also made a word search, which I thought was pretty neat and creative. The teachers sometimes don't give a lot of feedback, so I have to guesstimate how I did. I relaxed before class, that helped keep me calm and go in with a lot of energy and excitement and get into what I was doing. The first class was a science class (I will be teaching the scientific method next week!). The kids were pretty shy, so I had to really try to get them involved. I asked them questions from my powerpoint, and then when someone answered I gave out some Sheriff Stars from the Convention and Visitors Bureau in Fort Worth - like a charm - kids wanted to answer more questions. (I KNEW prizes would motivate them!) I even explained what a Sheriff is and about the cowboy police in Fort Worth. There were about 10 minutes left in class, and the prof went over the lesson...DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS! How haunting! I remember that from my sophomore year in high school. I don't know how I passed PreAP chemistry because I sucked at that portion - and here it is, following me! I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.
Then I had an english class with older kids, I'm making some changes to my plans - the word search will be even harder (!). They were a little more talkative, just shy. I had them go around the room and say how old they were and what they like to do. David (the prof), wants me to think of another game to play. I'm racking my brain for something...hopefully it will come to me before 8:20am tomorrow. I am not a morning person, so we will see where this goes. I have 3 classes with him tomorrow.
Vivi also set me up with more private lessons...I have 3 private lessons on FRIDAY. One with a boy, then two with groups of girls. I will need to think of some songs we can all sing...I also have lessons on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, and one on Thursday. I also have one I need to reschedule. Yikes. 

We moved into our flat finally! The other roommate comes in today so I am excited to meet her and get all settled. The flat is AWESOME and I encourage all of you to visit :) I'll try and post some pictures this weekend after we move in and give it some "character".

I have a long day tomorrow and I will most likely spend the weekend here settling in and resting (I don't feel at the top of my game, my throat has been killing me!) I can't wait to get some sort of routine in. I do know that I have enjoyed the classes today - let's me get creative. I think my Spanish is improving day by day!

Until next time!

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