Sunday, September 26, 2010

Manzanares (keep the lisp!)

I made it to Manzanares. I should start using the lisp when I say it - I'd fit in better.
The Train station was a trip, I am glad I was super early. There are several places for "departures" and no directions on which one is correct. I aimlessly walked for a few minutes and asked some security guards, which pointed me upstairs. (Mind you this is where I came from and getting my suitcase on the escalator is a bit challenging). So I go upstairs and get in line, and the woman informs me that I was in the wrong place. My spot was DOWNSTAIRS. So I again felt like a lost sheep. I walked to the next "departure" area on the ground floor. The woman there tells me I'm not in the right spot and kind of brushes me off. She said I needed to go back to the right...where I had JUST come from. So I had to ask another security guard - her accent was heavy and I almost cried because I didn't know where to go and I couldn't understand her!
FINALLY I found where I needed to go - FURTHER downstairs! There were 4 gates there and none of them listed "Manzanares", again confused and it was getting close to the time for my train to leave. I found a man in line and just happened to ask where his ticket was for, and the train numbers matched, So I knew that is where I needed to be! Getting on the train was a task. I threw up my purse and backpack and then attempted to haul my suitcase up (Thankful that someone helped me!) I had to put my purse and backpack in a chair, then drag my suitcase sideways. I'm sure people thought I was crazy! I kept checking the time because they don't announce the stops and I was super nervous of missing my stop. I went through the same process to get out of the train car, Getting of the train was harder because people kept trying to get on, it is a pet peeve of mine. Let everyone off, then get on. So someone was able to help me again and Michael was there to meet me.

Michael did this program last year so he knows the ropes. I'm super glad he was there and we were able to get all my things to the hotel. We dropped my stuff off and went out for drinks and tapas. It was nice seeing the town, I'm really going to like it here. It is really relaxed - which is what I think I need! The first bar we went to we had meatballs and bread with an Amstel to drink. The next place was my favorite. It is in the square and the tapas were good. He mentioned that the food was delicious too. The last place we went was good too and the food looked really good, so I can't wait to go back! We walked by the schools as well. The city is probably a 15 minute walk from end to end - just like TCU! I would LOVE for some friends or family (hint hint) to come and visit.
I came back to my hostel and napped for a while - I'm getting over jet lag still. Tomorrow I need to focus on finding a place to live. I have a few numbers to call so hopefully something works out. I'm tired of living out of a suitcase!

Until next time

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