Thursday, September 23, 2010

Leaving Status Quo

September 22nd.
Mood: Anxious/Tired/Nervous

Leaving was bittersweet. I can’t believe I am leaving. I was glad that when we took off I was able to see Simuflite and my neighborhood., gave me a sign of reassurance really, one last goodbye before I embark on my trip. I am blessed with amazing and caring friends, means a lot to me that so many made a big deal about me leaving. Good to know I have a solid support system.
Mom and Dad accompanied me to check in, and said bye as I placed a zillion of those stupid trays. One for shoes, one for my computer out of the case, one for liquids, one for my purse, and my last bag didn’t need one.

In the waiting area before my flight, there was a screaming child. What is worse than a screaming child? One that is screaming in a confined space a couple thousand feet above the ground. Not like I was going to pull a JetBlue and pull the slide or anything, but I was glad to have some earplugs, they sat two rows in frot of me. That family was so high maintenance. They kept asking to break rules, the flight attendant was nice though. They wanted warm water before the plane took off, they wanted to use their phone on the plane, there was also the part where their kids wanted something special to drink, and of course they didn’t have it, so then it took like 7 minutes to decide so everyone had to wait for them to decide, maybe this was the first time they have ever been on the airplane? But I thank the nice flight attendant Jillian for being super nice and having a smile the whole time! I got in one last Dr. Pepper before Europe.
Now I am in NY, sad I don’t get to see the city. I was going to grab something small to eat, but the last place I went in wanted $8.39 for a sandwich the size of my middle finger and about as round as a quarter. I don’t think I am starving enough to spend that kind of money. I may sacrifice my back pain and grab all my stuff and walk back for a bit.

Getting to my hostel proved to be a bit difficult. After numerous trips up and down the complicated elevators, I made it to the metro and had to switch lines 3 times, of course the last line was all stairs. Luckily someone felt bad for me and helped me lift my 65lb suitcase while I carried my 30lb backpack and purse. I did semi-okay with the jet-lag, I did in fact take a 2 hour nap and I'm staying up for now...


P.S. I’m trying to log in addresses for postcards. It is a greatly appreciated gesture to reciprocate the action

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